If You Recognize This Retro EPCOT Addition, You Might Be Nearing Retirement

EPCOT Center — what Walt Disney called EPCOT when he came up with the idea for the new park and what it was called the day it opened on October 1st, 1982.


EPCOT was meant to be a prototype city where Walt could design streets, buildings, neighborhoods, and more that would represent communities of the future. It turned into something different, but the bones of Walt’s design are still there today. After many transformations (including an ongoing one today), EPCOT is a favorite park for many that can bring back lots of our long-forgotten memories.

EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) is a beloved park. Many of us remember past attractions like Maelstrom and Innovations East and West.


But if you were around in the 80’s and visited The Land pavilion, you might remember that the background music as you walked into the building was a bit different than what we typically hear today.

Until now! We heard a throw back on our last visit to EPCOT. The original background music from the 80s was playing as we walked up the path!

We’ve been typically hearing the standard EPCOT anthem played all around World Nature, World Celebration, and World Discovery, so we were straight-up giddy to hear this throwback! We’re not sure how long it will stick around or why it changed, even the Cast Members said they walked in to work and it happened to be on. We guess it was simply Disney magic!

The Land Pavilion

We’re always on the lookout for new (and old) things around Disney, so keep following AllEars!

Click here to find out what has changed in EPCOT!

Did this bring back some memories to you? Let us know in the comments!

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3 Replies to “If You Recognize This Retro EPCOT Addition, You Might Be Nearing Retirement”

  1. I love that they did this. Epcot was my Dads favorite park & hearing that music brought back memories & made me tear up. I hope it stays & they bring back more Retro stuff

  2. Now if they can only expand The Land and bring back the Kitchen Cabaret with Bonnie Appetite! Still one of my fondest memories of early EPCOT.