Tips about Medical

Remember to ask for fragrance-free products in your hotel room if you are sensitive or have allergies. I don't know whether it was because I specified no fragranced cleaning products in our DVC villa or if Disney has switched across the board, but we had two boxes of "free and clear" laundry detergent available for our washer at Saratoga Springs during our New Year's trip. It was a very welcome touch. - Cheryl Howe
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On our recent Disney trip we found that my son's asthma inhaler was empty. I believe he inadvertently emptied all the doses with an overfilled fanny pack. The problem was quickly fixed by a trip to Guest Services at our hotel. They gave me a form for a pharmacy called "Turner Drugs." I called the company, my doctor was able to phone in a prescription, and within hours it was delivered to the front desk of our Disney resort. The prescription was charged directly to our room and we were given a receipt so that we could submit the bill to our insurance company. (Turner Drugs does not bill the insurance companies.) This time the inhaler was placed in its own separate compartment of the fanny pack to avoid any future problem. - Margaret Edmonds
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